Universities and Colleges in the UK
- A -
- The University of Aberdeen
- University of Abertay Dundee
- Aberystwyth: United Theological College and College of Welsh Independents
- The University of Wales, Aberystwyth
- Anglia Polytechnic University
- Askham Bryan College
- Aston University
- Aylesbury College
- University of Wales, Bangor
- Barking and Dagenham College
- Barnsley College
- Basingstoke College of Technology
- University of Bath
- Bath Spa University College
- The University of Birmingham
- Birmingham College of Food, Tourism and Creative Studies
- Bishop Burton College
- Bishop Grosseteste College
- Blackburn College ...
- Blackpool and The Fylde College(An Associate College of Lancaster University)
- University of Bolton
- Boston College
- Bournemouth University
- The Arts University College at Bournemouth
- The University of Bradford
- Bradford College(An Associate College of The University of Bradford)
- Bretton Hall College
- Bridgwater College
- University of Brighton
- University of Bristol
- University of the West of England, Bristol
- British College of Naturopathy and Osteopathy
- The British Institute in Paris (University of London)
- Brunel University London
- British School of Osteopathy
- Brockenhurst College
- Broxtowe College
- The University of Buckingham
- Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College
- Burton College
- Cambridge University
- Cannington College
- Canterbury Christ Church University
- Canterbury College
- Cardiff University
- Cardiff Metropolitan University
- Carmarthenshire College
- Carshalton College
- University of Central England in Birmingham
- University of Central Lancashire
- The Central School of Speech and Drama
- Chelmsford College
- Cheltenham & Gloucester College of Higher Education
- University of Chester
- Chesterfield College
- Chichester College of Arts, Science and Technology
- University of Chichester
- City University
- City of Bristol College
- City and Islington College
- City College Manchester
- Clarendon College, Nottingham
- City of Sunderland College
- Cleveland College of Art and Design
- Cordwainers College
- Cornwall College With Duchy College
- Courtauld Institute of Art(University of London)
- Coventry Technical College
- Coventry University
- Cranfield University
- Crawley College
- Croydon College
- University of Cumbria
- Darlington College of Technology
- Dearne Valley College
- De Montfort University
- University of Derby
- Doncaster College
- Dudley College of Technology
- University of Dundee
- The University of Durham
- E -
- University of East Anglia
- East Durham & Houghall Community College
- University of East London
- Easton College
- East Surrey College
- Edge Hill University
- The University of Edinburgh
- Enniskillen College of Agriculture
- The University of Essex
- European Business School, London
- European School of Osteopathy
- Exeter College
- University of Exeter
- F -
- G -
- University of Glamorgan
- Glamorgan Centre for Art and Design Technology
- Tel: +44 01443 663312
- University of Glasgow
- Glasgow Caledonian University
- University of Gloucestershire
- Gloucestershire College of Arts and Technology
- Tel: +44 01452 426549
- Goldsmiths College(University of London)
- Greenmount and Enniskillen Colleges
- University of Greenwich
- GSM London(Greenwich School of Management)
- Grimsby College
- Grwp Llandrillo Menai
- Guildford College of Further and Higher Education
- Gyosei International College Tel: +44 01189 310152
- H -
- Halesowen College
- Hammersmith & West London College
- Harper Adams University College
- Havering College of Further and Higher Education
- Herefordshire College of Technology
- Herefordshire College of Art and Design
- Hereward College
- Hendon College
- Henley College Coventry
- Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh
- University of Hertfordshire
- Hertford Regional College
- Highbury College
- Hillcroft College
- Heythrop College(University of London)
- Tel: +44 020 7795 6600
- University of the Highlands & Islands
- Holborn College
- Huddersfield Technical College
- The University of Huddersfield
- The University of Hull
- I -
- ifs University College
- Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine(University of London)
- The Isle of Wight College
- K -
- Keele University
- The University of Kent at Canterbury
- Kidderminster College
- King's College London
- Kingston University
- Kirklees College
- L -
- University of Wales Trinity Saint David
- Lancaster University
- Lancaster & Morecambe College
- Lansdowne College
Tel: +44 020 7616 4400 - Park Lane College
Tel: +44 0113 216 2001 - University of Leeds
- Leeds Trinity University
- Leeds City College
- Leeds Metropolitan University
- Leeds College of Art & Design
- Leeds College of Music
- University of Leicester
- Leicester College
- Leo Baeck College
- University of Lincolnshire and Humberside
- Lewisham College
- The University of Liverpool
- Liverpool Community College
- Liverpool Hope University
- The Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts
- Liverpool John Moores University
- Llandrillo College, North Wales
- London Guildhall University
- The London Institute
- London School of Economics and Political Science(University of London)
- London School of Jewish Studies(University of London)
- Tel: +44 020 8203 6427
- London South Bank University
- Loughborough College
- Loughborough University
- Lowestoft College
- University of Luton
- M -
- Macclesfield College
Manchester College of Arts and Technology
Tel: 0161 953 5995 - The University of Manchester
- The University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST)
- The Manchester Metropolitan University
- Matthew Boulton College of Further and Higher Education
- Mid-Chesire College
- Middlesex University
- N -
- Napier University
- Neath Port Talbot College
- University College Northampton
- University of Newcastle Upon Tyne
- Newcastle College
- Newcastle-under-Lyme College
- New College Durham
- New College Nottingham
- Newham College
- Newman College of Higher Education
- University of South Wales
- University College Northampton
- Northbrook College Sussex
- Nescot(North East Surrey College of Technology )
- The North East Wales Institute of Higher Education
- North East Worcestershire College
- Northern College of Education
- North Lincolnshire College
- University of North London
- North Nottinghamshire College
- North Tyneside College
- University of Northumbria at Newcastle
- Northumberland College
- North Warwickshire and Hinckley College
- Norton Radstock College
- Norwich: City College
- Norwich University College of the Arts
- The University of Nottingham
- The Nottingham Trent University
- O -
- The Oldham College
- Oxford and Cherwell Valley College
- Oxford College of Further Education
- Oxford University
- Oxford Brookes University
- Oxfordshire School of art and Design (a Division of North Oxfordshire College)
- P -
- University of Paisley
- Pembrokeshire College
- Pershore Group of Colleges
- Peterborough Regional College
- University of Plymouth
- Plymouth College of Art and Design
- University of Portsmouth
- Q -
- Queen Margaret University College, Edinburgh
- Queen Mary University of London
- The Queen's University of Belfast
- R -
- Ravensbourne College of Design and Communication
- Reading College and School of Arts and Design
- The University of Reading
- Regents Business School London
- Richmond, The American International University in London
- College of Ripon and York St John (A College of The University of Leeds)
- Riverside College
- The Robert Gordon University
- University of Surrey Roehampton
- Rose Bruford College
- Rotherham College of Arts and Technology
- Royal Agricultural University
- Royal Holloway, University of London 伦
- Royal Veterinary College(University of London)
- Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama
- Ruskin College Oxford
- The Rutland College
Tel: +44 01572 722863
- S -
- Scottish Agricultural College (The National College for Food, Land and Environmental Studies)
- The University of Salford
- SAE Technology College
- Salisbury College
Tel: +44 01722 344344 - Sandwell College
- School of Oriental and African Studies (University of London)
- University College Scarborough
- School of Pharmacy(University of London)
- School of Slavonic and East European Studies(University of London)
- The University of Sheffield
- Sheffield Hallam University
- Sheffield College
- Shrewsbury College of Arts and Technology
- Solihull College
- University of Southampton
- Somerset College of Arts and Technology
- South and City College Birmingham
- Southampton Solent University
- South Devon College
Tel: +44 01803 406406 - South Leicestershire College
- Sparsholt College Hampshire
- Southport College
Tel: +44 01704 500606
- University of St Andrews
- Southwark College
- Stafford College
- South Cheshire College
- South Downs College
- South Essex College
- South Nottingham College
- South Trafford College
- St George's Hospital Medical School(University of London)
- St Helens College(An Associate College of Liverpool John Moores University)
- St Loye's School of Health Studies
- The College of St Mark and St John
- St Mary's College
- South Tyneside College
- Southampton City College
- Stamford College
- Stephenson College Coalville
- Stoke-on-Trent College
- Staffordshire University
- Stratford upon Avon College
- The University of Stirling
- Stockport College of Further & Higher Education
- The University of Strathclyde
- Stranmillis University College: A College of The Queen's University of Belfast
- Suffolk College(An Accredited College of The University of East Anglia)
- University of Sunderland
- University of Surrey
- University of Roehampton
- University for the Creative Arts
- University of Sussex
- Sutton Coldfield College
- University of Wales Swansea
- Swansea College
- Swansea Institute of Higher Education
- Swindon College
Tel: +44 01793 498308
- Tameside College
- University of Teesside
- Thames Valley University
- Totton College
- Trinity College Carmarthen
Tel: +44 01267 676767
- U -
- University of Ulster
- University College London(University of London)
- Uxbridge College
- W -
- Wakefield College
- University of Wales College of Medicine
- Walsall College of Arts and Technology
- Warrington Collegiate Institute (A College of The University of Manchester)
- The University of Warwick
- Warwickshire College
- College of West Anglia
- West Herts College, Watford(Associate College of University of Hertfordshire)
- West Nottinghamshire College
- University of the West of Scotland
- Weston College
- University of Westminster
- Westminster College
- West Thames College
- Weymouth College
- Wigan and Leigh College
Tel: +44 01942 761605 - Wimbledon School of Art
- The University of Winchester
- Wiltshire College
- Wirral Metropolitan College
- University of Wolverhampton
- University of Worcester
- Worcester College of Technology
- Writtle College
- Wye College(University of London)
- Y -