List of Universities and Colleges in New Zealand (36 Schools)
More Universities in New Zealand (74 Schools)
***Universities ***
Auckland University of Technology
Victoria University of Wellington
***Polytechnics and Institutes of Technology***
Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology
Eastern Institute of Technology
Manukau Institute of Technology
Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology
The Open Polytechnic of New Zealand
Southern Institute of Technology
UNITEC Institute of Technology
UCOL- Universal College of Learning
Waiariki Institute of Technology
Waikato Institute of Technology
Wanganui Regional Community Polytechnic
Wellington Institute of Technology
Western Institute of Technology
***Colleges of Education***
The University of wsikato School of Education
Wellington College of Education
***Private Tertiary Establishments***
International Pacifica College
Carey Baptist College (Auckland)
Crown Institute of Studies (Auckland)
Whitecliffe college of Art and Design (Auckland)