* 排名相同的学校按英文名称字母顺序排列。
排名 | 学校名称 | 得分 |
#1 | 美国陆军麻醉护理研究生院 U.S. Army Graduate Program in Anesthesia Nursing
(Fort Sam Houston, TX, US) |
4.0 |
#1 | 维吉尼亚联邦大学 Virginia Commonwealth University
(Richmond, VA, US) |
4.0 |
#3 | 拉什大学 Rush University
(Chicago, IL, US) |
3.9 |
#3 | 匹兹堡大学 University of Pittsburgh
(Pittsburgh, PA, US) |
3.9 |
#5 | 贝勒医学院 Baylor College of Medicine
(Houston, TX, US) |
3.5 |
#5 | 卫生科学统一服务大学 Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences
(Bethesda, MD, US) |
3.5 |
#7 | 奥尔巴尼医学院 Albany Medical College
(Albany, NY, US) |
3.4 |
#7 | 凯斯西储大学克里夫兰临床基础学院 Cleveland Clinic Foundation - Case Western Reserve University
(Cleveland, OH, US) |
3.4 |
#7 | 巴恩斯犹太学院戈德法布护理学校 Goldfarb School of Nursing at Barnes-Jewish College
(St. Louis, MO, US) |
3.4 |
#7 | 维克森林大学/ 北卡罗来纳大学格林波若联合分校 Wake Forest University - University of North Carolina—Greensboro
(Winston-Salem, NC, US) |
3.4 |
#11 | 凯斯西部保留地大学 Case Western Reserve University
(Cleveland, OH, US) |
3.3 |
#11 | 杜克大学 Duke University
(Durham, NC, US) |
3.3 |
#11 | 萨缪尔梅里特大学 Samuel Merritt University
(Oakland, CA, US) |
3.3 |
#11 | 底特律慈悲大学 University of Detroit Mercy
(Detroit, MI, US) |
3.3 |
#11 | 爱荷华大学 University of Iowa
(Iowa City, IA, US) |
3.3 |
#11 | 宾夕法尼亚大学 University of Pennsylvania
(Philadelphia, PA, US) |
3.3 |
#17 | 乔治敦大学 Georgetown University
(Washington, DC, US) |
3.2 |
#17 | 奥克兰大学博蒙特分校 Oakland University—Beaumont
(Rochester, MI, US) |
3.2 |
#17 | 纽约州立大学水牛城分校 University at Buffalo—SUNY
(Buffalo, NY, US) |
3.2 |
#17 | 马里兰大学巴尔的摩分校 University of Maryland—Baltimore
(Baltimore, MD, US) |
3.2 |
#17 | 韦恩州立大学 Wayne State University
(Detroit, MI, US) |
3.2 |
#22 | 北卡罗来纳大学夏洛特分校卡罗来纳州卫生保健系统 Carolinas Health Care System - University of North Carolina—Charlotte
(Charlotte, NC, US) |
3.1 |
#22 | 加州州立大学富勒顿分校-凯萨医疗机构麻醉学校 Kaiser Permanente School of Anesthesia - California State University—Fullerton
(Pasadena, CA, US) |
3.1 |
#22 | 梅奥卫生科学学院 Mayo School of Health Sciences
(Rochester, MN, US) |
3.1 |
#22 | 密歇根大学弗林特分校赫尔利医学中心 University of Michigan—Flint - Hurley Medical Center
(Flint, MI, US) |
3.1 |
#26 | 波士顿学院(康奈尔) Boston College (Connell)
(Chestnut Hill, MA, US) |
3.0 |
#26 | 南卡罗来纳医科大学 Medical University of South Carolina
(Charleston, SC, US) |
3.0 |
#26 | 东北大学 Northeastern University
(Boston, MA, US) |
3.0 |
#26 | 北达科他大学 University of North Dakota
(Grand Forks, ND, US) |
3.0 |
#26 | 田纳西大学诺克斯维尔校区 University of Tennessee—Knoxville
(Knoxville, TN, US) |
3.0 |
#26 | 得克萨斯大学卫生科学中心休斯顿校区 University of Texas Health Science Center—Houston
(Houston, TX, US) |
3.0 |
#32 | 密西根州立大校 Michigan State University
(East Lansing, MI, US) |
2.9 |
#32 | 明尼阿波利斯麻醉学校 Minneapolis School of Anesthesia
(St. Louis Park, MN, US) |
2.9 |
#32 | 马蒂山学院 Mount Marty College
(Sioux Falls, SD, US) |
2.9 |
#32 | 俄勒冈卫生与科技大学 Oregon Health and Science University
(Portland, OR, US) |
2.9 |
#32 | 冈萨加大学圣心医学中心 Sacred Heart Medical Center - Gonzaga University
(Spokane, WA, US) |
2.9 |
#32 | 桑佛德大学(莫菲特) Samford University (Moffett)
(Birmingham, AL, US) |
2.9 |
#32 | 辛辛那提大学 University of Cincinnati
(Cincinnati, OH, US) |
2.9 |
#32 | 田纳西大学卫生科学中心 University of Tennessee Health Science Center
(Memphis, TN, US) |
2.9 |
#32 | 维拉诺瓦大学 Villanova University
(Villanova, PA, US) |
2.9 |
#41 | 哥伦比亚大学 Columbia University
(New York, NY, US) |
2.8 |
#41 | 德雷克塞尔大学 Drexel University
(Philadelphia, PA, US) |
2.8 |
#41 | 甘农大学哈默特医学中心 Hamot Medical Center - Gannon University
(Erie, PA, US) |
2.8 |
#41 | 北卡罗来纳州立大学格林波若分校洛利麻醉护理学校 Raleigh School of Nurse Anesthesia - University of North Carolina—Greensboro
(Raleigh, NC, US) |
2.8 |
#41 | 明尼苏达圣玛丽大学 St. Mary's University of Minnesota
(Minneapolis, MN, US) |
2.8 |
#41 | 南加州大学 University of Southern California
(Los Angeles, CA, US) |
2.8 |
#41 | 宾州约克学院-韦尔斯潘卫生学院 York College of Pennsylvania - WellSpan Health
(York, PA, US) |
2.8 |
#48 | 东卡罗来纳大学 East Carolina University
(Greenville, NC, US) |
2.7 |
#48 | 拉塞尔大学蒙哥马利医院 Montgomery Hospital - La Salle University
(Philadelphia, PA, US) |
2.7 |
#48 | 堪萨斯大学 University of Kansas
(Kansas City, KS, US) |
2.7 |
#48 | 明尼苏达大学双城分校 University of Minnesota—Twin Cities
(Minneapolis, MN, US) |
2.7 |
#48 | 新英格兰大学 University of New England
(Portland, ME, US) |
2.7 |
#48 | 南卡罗莱纳大学帕尔梅托里奇兰德纪念医院 University of South Carolina - Palmetto Richland Memorial Hospital
(Columbia, SC, US) |
2.7 |
#48 | 韦伯斯特大学 Webster University
(St, Louis, MO, US) |
2.7 |
#55 | 拉洛希学院--阿勒格尼谷医院 Allegheny Valley Hospital - La Roche College
(Pittsburgh, PA, US) |
2.6 |
#55 | 堪萨斯大学布莱恩大型综合医院医学中心 Bryan LGH Medical Center - University of Kansas
(Lincoln, NE, US) |
2.6 |
#55 | 埃克塞拉麻醉卫生学院 Excela Health School of Anesthesia
(Latrobe, PA, US) |
2.6 |
#55 | 弗朗西斯斯堪普麻醉卫生护理学院 Franciscan Skemp Healthcare School of Anesthesia
(LaCrosse, WI, US) |
2.6 |
#55 | 奥特拜因大学 Otterbein University
(Westerville, OH, US) |
2.6 |
#55 | 得克萨斯基督教大学 Texas Christian University
(Fort Worth, TX, US) |
2.6 |
#55 | 托马斯杰弗逊大学 Thomas Jefferson University
(Philadelphia, PA, US) |
2.6 |
#55 | 田纳西大学查塔努加分校厄兰格卫生系统 University of Tennessee—Chattanooga - Erlanger Health System
(Chattanooga, TN, US) |
2.6 |
#63 | 贝瑞大学 Barry University
(Miami Shores, FL, US) |
2.5 |
#63 | 布莱德利大学迪凯特纪念医院 Decatur Memorial Hospital - Bradley University
(Decatur, IL, US) |
2.5 |
#63 | 佐治亚瑞金斯大学 Georgia Regents University
(Augusta, GA, US) |
2.5 |
#63 | 圣拉斐尔医院 Hospital of St. Raphael
(New Haven, CT, US) |
2.5 |
#63 | 弗吉尼亚州明尼阿波利斯市麻醉学院 Minneapolis VA School of Anesthesia
(Minneapolis, MN, US) |
2.5 |
#63 | 新不列颠麻醉护理学院 New Britain School of Nurse Anesthesia
(New Britain, CT, US) |
2.5 |
#63 | 罗格斯生物医学与卫生科学大学 Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences
(Newark, NJ, US) |
2.5 |
#63 | 南康涅狄格州立大学布里奇波特医院 Southern Connecticut State University - Bridgeport Hospital
(New Haven, CT, US) |
2.5 |
#63 | 北佛罗里达大学 University of North Florida
(Jacksonville, FL, US) |
2.5 |
#72 | 德保尔大学埃文斯顿西北医疗护理中心 Evanston Northwestern Healthcare - DePaul University
(Evanston, IL, US) |
2.4 |
#72 | 宾州布鲁斯堡大学格伊辛格卫生系统 Geisinger Health System - Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania
(Bloomsburg, PA, US) |
2.4 |
#72 | 路易斯安那州立大学卫生科学中心 Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center
(New Orleans, LA, US) |
2.4 |
#72 | 拿撒勒医院 Nazareth Hospital
(Philadelphia, PA, US) |
2.4 |
#72 | 纽曼大学 Newman University
(Wichita, KS, US) |
2.4 |
#72 | 罗莎琳德富兰克林医科大学 Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science
(North Chicago, IL, US) |
2.4 |
#72 | 南伊利诺伊大学爱德华兹维尔分校 Southern Illinois University—Edwardsville
(Edwardsville, IL, US) |
2.4 |
#72 | 得克萨斯威斯连大学 Texas Wesleyan University
(Fort Worth, TX, US) |
2.4 |
#72 | 杜鲁门医学中心 Truman Medical Center
(Kansas City, MO, US) |
2.4 |
#72 | 阿克伦大学 University of Akron
(Akron, OH, US) |
2.4 |
#72 | 亚拉巴马大学伯明翰校区 University of Alabama—Birmingham
(Birmingham, AL, US) |
2.4 |
#72 | 迈阿密大学 University of Miami
(Coral Gables, FL, US) |
2.4 |
#72 | 西卡罗来纳大学 Western Carolina University
(Candler, NC, US) |
2.4 |
#85 | 查尔斯顿地区医学中心 Charleston Area Medical Center
(Charleston, WV, US) |
2.3 |
#85 | 密苏里州立大学(圣约翰) Missouri State University (St. John's)
(Springfield, MO, US) |
2.3 |
#85 | 圣伊丽莎白卫生中心 St. Elizabeth Health Center
(Youngstown, OH, US) |
2.3 |
#88 | 罗德岛纪念医院 Memorial Hospital of Rhode Island
(Pawtucket, RI, US) |
2.2 |
#88 | 圣约瑟夫医院 St. Joseph Hospital
(North Providence, RI, US) |
2.2 |
#90 | 佛罗里达高尔夫海岸大学 Florida Gulf Coast University
(Fort Myers, FL, US) |
2.1 |
#90 | 佛罗里达卫生科学医学院 Florida Hospital College of Health Sciences
(Orlando, FL, US) |
2.1 |
#90 | 佛罗里达国际大学 Florida International University
(Miami, FL, US) |
2.1 |
#90 | 林肯纪念大学(凯勒) Lincoln Memorial University (Caylor)
(Harrogate, TN, US) |
2.1 |
#90 | 莫瑟尔大学 Mercer University
(Macon, GA, US) |
2.1 |
#90 | 中田纳西麻醉学院 Middle Tennessee School of Anesthesia
(Madison, TN, US) |
2.1 |
#90 | 圣母卢尔德医学中心 Our Lady of Lourdes Medical Center
(Camden, NJ, US) |
2.1 |
#90 | 圣母湖学院 Our Lady of the Lake College
(Baton Rouge, LA, US) |
2.1 |
#90 | 南佛罗里达大学 University of South Florida
(Tampa, FL, US) |
2.1 |
#90 | 沃尔福德学院 Wolford College
(Naples, FL, US) |
2.1 |
#100 | 莫瑞州立大学特罗弗基础学院 Trover Foundation - Murray State University
(Madisonville, KY, US) |
2.0 |
#100 | 联合大学 Union University
(Jackson, TN, US) |
2.0 |