2015年U.S.News美国大学研究生职业疗法专业排名Occupational Therapy
* 排名相同的学校按英文名称字母顺序排列。
排名 | 学校名称 | 得分 |
#100 | 阿拉巴马州立大学 Alabama State University
(Montgomery, AL, US) |
2.5 |
#100 | 加州州立大学多明尼戈斯山分校 California State University—Dominguez Hills
(Carson, CA, US) |
2.5 |
#100 | 康考迪亚大学 Concordia University
(Mequon, WI, US) |
2.5 |
#100 | 伊莉莎白敦学院 Elizabethtown College
(Elizabethtown, PA, US) |
2.5 |
#100 | 州长州立大学 Governors State University
(University Park, IL, US) |
2.5 |
#100 | 大峡谷州立大学 Grand Valley State University
(Grand Rapids, MI, US) |
2.5 |
#100 | 霍华德大学 Howard University
(Washington, DC, US) |
2.5 |
#100 | 杰弗逊卫生科学学院 Jefferson College of Health Sciences
(Roanoke, VA, US) |
2.5 |
#100 | 凯卡学院 Keuka College
(Keuka Park, NY, US) |
2.5 |
#100 | 长岛大学布鲁克林分校 LIU Brooklyn
(Brooklyn, NY, US) |
2.5 |
#100 | 玛丽山大学 Mount Mary University
(Milwaukee, WI, US) |
2.5 |
#100 | 费城大学 Philadelphia University
(Philadelphia, PA, US) |
2.5 |
#100 | 雪兰多大学 Shenandoah University
(Winchester, VA, US) |
2.5 |
#100 | 南缅因大学(路易斯顿-欧本学院) University of Southern Maine (Lewiston-Auburn)
(Lewiston, ME, US) |
2.5 |
#100 | 威斯康星大学拉克罗斯分校 University of Wisconsin—La Crosse
(La Crosse, WI, US) |
2.5 |
#100 | 温斯顿塞勒姆州立大学 Winston-Salem State University
(Winston-Salem, NC, US) |
2.5 |
#116 | A.T.斯蒂尔卫生科学大学 A.T. Still University of Health Sciences
(Mesa, AZ, US) |
2.4 |
#116 | 佛罗里达高尔夫海岸大学 Florida Gulf Coast University
(Fort Myers, FL, US) |
2.4 |
#116 | 詹姆斯麦迪逊大学 James Madison University
(Harrisonburg, VA, US) |
2.4 |
#116 | 路易斯安那州立大学卫生科学中心新奥尔良校区 Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center—New Orleans
(New Orleans, LA, US) |
2.4 |
#116 | 密立根学院 Milligan College
(Milligan College, TN, US) |
2.4 |
#116 | 罗克赫斯特大学 Rockhurst University
(Kansas City, MO, US) |
2.4 |
#116 | 密西西比大学医学中心 University of Mississippi Medical Center
(Jackson, MS, US) |
2.4 |
#116 | 圣奥古斯丁卫生科学大学 University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences
(St. Augustine, FL, US) |
2.4 |
#116 | 田纳西大学卫生科学中心 University of Tennessee Health Science Center
(Memphis, TN, US) |
2.4 |
#116 | 得克萨斯大学爱尔帕索分校 University of Texas—El Paso
(El Paso, TX, US) |
2.4 |
#116 | 西弗吉尼亚大学 West Virginia University
(Morgantown, WV, US) |
2.4 |
#127 | 贝克学院研究生学习中心 Baker College Center for Graduate Studies
(Flint, MI, US) |
2.3 |
#127 | 贝瑞大学 Barry University
(Miami Shores, FL, US) |
2.3 |
#127 | 培帕斯学院 Bay Path College
(Longmeadow, MA, US) |
2.3 |
#127 | 查塔姆大学 Chatham University
(Pittsburgh, PA, US) |
2.3 |
#127 | 胡森大学 Husson University
(Bangor, ME, US) |
2.3 |
#127 | 肯恩大学 Kean University
(Union, NJ, US) |
2.3 |
#127 | 玛丽维尔大学 Maryville University
(St. Louis, MO, US) |
2.3 |
#127 | 新泽西州理查德斯托克顿学院 Richard Stockton College of New Jersey
(Galloway, NJ, US) |
2.3 |
#127 | 萨吉那谷州立大学 Saginaw Valley State University
(University Center, MI, US) |
2.3 |
#127 | 塞勒姆州立大学 Salem State University
(Salem, MA, US) |
2.3 |
#127 | 肖尼州立大学 Shawnee State University
(Portsmouth, OH, US) |
2.3 |
#127 | 圣弗朗西斯大学 St. Francis University
(Loretto, PA, US) |
2.3 |
#127 | 杜鲁大学内华达分校 Touro University Nevada
(Henderson, NV, US) |
2.3 |
#127 | 圣奥古斯丁卫生科学大学圣迭戈分校 University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences—San Diego
(San Marcos, CA, US) |
2.3 |
#127 | 西新墨西哥大学 Western New Mexico University
(Silver City, NM, US) |
2.3 |
#142 | 美国国际学院 American International College
(Springfield, MA, US) |
2.2 |
#142 | 芝加哥州立大学 Chicago State University
(Chicago, IL, US) |
2.2 |
#142 | 甘农大学 Gannon University
(Erie, PA, US) |
2.2 |
#142 | 路易斯安那州立大学卫生科学中心什里夫波特校区 Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center—Shreveport
(Shreveport, LA, US) |
2.2 |
#142 | 瑞德福大学 Radford University
(Radford, VA, US) |
2.2 |
#142 | 图尔罗学院 Touro College
(Bay Shore, NY, US) |
2.2 |
#148 | 艾尔弗尼亚大学 Alvernia University
(Reading, PA, US) |
2.1 |
#148 | 图尔罗学院曼哈顿校区 Touro College—Manhattan
(New York, NY, US) |
2.1 |
#148 | 德克萨斯大学泛美校区 University of Texas—Pan-American
(Edinburg, TX, US) |
2.1 |
#151 | 勒努瓦雷恩大学 Lenoir-Rhyne University
(Hickory, NC, US) |
2.0 |
#151 | 纽约理工学院 New York Institute of Technology
(Old Westbury, NY, US) |
2.0 |
#151 | 田纳西州立大学 Tennessee State University
(Nashville, TN, US) |
2.0 |
#151 | 田纳西大学查塔努加分校 University of Tennessee—Chattanooga
(Chattanooga, TN, US) |
2.0 |