* 排名相同的学校按英文名称字母顺序排列。
排名 | 学校名称 | 得分 |
#1 | 加州大学旧金山分校 University of California—San Francisco
(San Francisco, CA, US) |
4.6 |
#2 | 北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校 University of North Carolina—Chapel Hill
(Chapel Hill, NC, US) |
4.5 |
#3 | 明尼苏达大学 University of Minnesota
(Minneapolis, MN, US) |
4.4 |
#4 | 德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校 University of Texas—Austin
(Austin, TX, US) |
4.3 |
#5 | 肯塔基大学 University of Kentucky
(Lexington, KY, US) |
4.2 |
#5 | 威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校 University of Wisconsin—Madison
(Madison, WI, US) |
4.2 |
#7 | 俄亥俄州立大学 Ohio State University
(Columbus, OH, US) |
4.1 |
#7 | 普渡大学 Purdue University
(West Lafayette, IN, US) |
4.1 |
#7 | 密歇根大学安娜堡分校 University of Michigan—Ann Arbor
(Ann Arbor, MI, US) |
4.1 |
#10 | 亚利桑那大学 University of Arizona
(Tucson, AZ, US) |
4.0 |
#10 | 南加州大学 University of Southern California
(Los Angeles, CA, US) |
4.0 |
#10 | 犹他大学 University of Utah
(Salt Lake City, UT, US) |
4.0 |
#10 | 华盛顿大学 University of Washington
(Seattle, WA, US) |
4.0 |
#14 | 佛罗里达大学 University of Florida
(Gainesville, FL, US) |
3.9 |
#14 | 伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校 University of Illinois—Chicago
(Chicago, IL, US) |
3.9 |
#14 | 匹兹堡大学 University of Pittsburgh
(Pittsburgh, PA, US) |
3.9 |
#17 | 纽约州立大学水牛城分校 University at Buffalo—SUNY
(Buffalo, NY, US) |
3.8 |
#17 | 爱荷华大学 University of Iowa
(Iowa City, IA, US) |
3.8 |
#17 | 马里兰大学巴尔的摩分校 University of Maryland—Baltimore
(Baltimore, MD, US) |
3.8 |
#17 | 田纳西大学卫生科学中心 University of Tennessee Health Science Center
(Memphis, TN, US) |
3.8 |
#21 | 堪萨斯大学 University of Kansas
(Lawrence, KS, US) |
3.7 |
#21 | 维吉尼亚联邦大学 Virginia Commonwealth University
(Richmond, VA, US) |
3.7 |
#23 | 加州大学圣迭戈分校 University of California—San Diego
(La Jolla, CA, US) |
3.5 |
#24 | 科罗拉多大学丹佛分校 University of Colorado—Denver
(Aurora, CO, US) |
3.4 |
#24 | 密西西比大学 University of Mississippi
(University, MS, US) |
3.4 |
#26 | 奥本大学(哈里森) Auburn University (Harrison)
(Auburn, AL, US) |
3.3 |
#26 | 南卡罗来纳医科大学 Medical University of South Carolina
(Charleston, SC, US) |
3.3 |
#26 | 罗格斯大学新不伦瑞克校区(马里奥) Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey—New Brunswick (Mario)
(Piscataway, NJ, US) |
3.3 |
#26 | 康涅狄格大学 University of Connecticut
(Storrs, CT, US) |
3.3 |
#26 | 佐治亚大学 University of Georgia
(Athens, GA, US) |
3.3 |
#26 | 西弗吉尼亚大学 West Virginia University
(Morgantown, WV, US) |
3.3 |
#32 | 得克萨斯理工大学卫生科学中心 Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
(Amarillo, TX, US) |
3.2 |
#32 | 阿肯色医科大学 University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
(Little Rock, AR, US) |
3.2 |
#32 | 辛辛那提大学 University of Cincinnati
(Cincinnati, OH, US) |
3.2 |
#32 | 内布拉斯加大学医学中心 University of Nebraska Medical Center
(Omaha, NE, US) |
3.2 |
#32 | 俄克拉荷马大学 University of Oklahoma
(Oklahoma City, OK, US) |
3.2 |
#37 | 克瑞顿大学 Creighton University
(Omaha, NE, US) |
3.1 |
#37 | 密苏里大学堪萨斯城分校 University of Missouri—Kansas City
(Kansas City, MO, US) |
3.1 |
#39 | 东北大学 Northeastern University
(Boston, MA, US) |
3.0 |
#39 | 俄勒冈州立大学 Oregon State University
(Corvallis, OR, US) |
3.0 |
#39 | 华盛顿州立大学 Washington State University
(Pullman, WA, US) |
3.0 |
#39 | 韦恩州立大学(阿普勒鲍姆) Wayne State University (Applebaum)
(Detroit, MI, US) |
3.0 |
#43 | 德瑞克大学 Drake University
(Des Moines, IA, US) |
2.9 |
#43 | 莫瑟尔大学 Mercer University
(Atlanta, GA, US) |
2.9 |
#43 | 圣路易斯药学院 St. Louis College of Pharmacy
(St. Louis, MO, US) |
2.9 |
#43 | 费城科学大学药学与科学学院 University of the Sciences-Philadelphia College of Pharmacy & Science
(Philadelphia, PA, US) |
2.9 |
#43 | 罗德岛大学 University of Rhode Island
(Kingston, RI, US) |
2.9 |
#48 | 巴特勒大学 Butler University
(Indianapolis, IN, US) |
2.8 |
#48 | 迪尤肯大学(迈兰) Duquesne University (Mylan)
(Pittsburgh, PA, US) |
2.8 |
#48 | 南卡罗来纳药学院 South Carolina College of Pharmacy
(Columbia, SC, US) |
2.8 |
#48 | 德克萨斯农业与机械大学卫生科学中心 Texas A&M Health Science Center
(Kingsville, TX, US) |
2.8 |
#48 | 休斯敦大学 University of Houston
(Houston, TX, US) |
2.8 |
#48 | 蒙大拿大学 University of Montana
(Missoula, MT, US) |
2.8 |
#48 | 新墨西哥大学 University of New Mexico
(Albuquerque, NM, US) |
2.8 |
#48 | 太平洋大学(郎) University of the Pacific (Long)
(Stockton, CA, US) |
2.8 |
#56 | 坎贝尔大学 Campbell University
(Buies Creek, NC, US) |
2.7 |
#56 | 怀俄明大学 University of Wyoming
(Laramie, WY, US) |
2.7 |
#58 | 奥尔巴尼药学与卫生科学学院 Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
(Albany, NY, US) |
2.6 |
#58 | 麻省医药与卫生科学大学波士顿分校 Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (MCPHS University)—Boston
(Boston, MA, US) |
2.6 |
#58 | 北达科他州立大学 North Dakota State University
(Fargo, ND, US) |
2.6 |
#58 | 天普大学 Temple University
(Philadelphia, PA, US) |
2.6 |
#62 | 菲瑞斯州立大学 Ferris State University
(Big Rapids, MI, US) |
2.5 |
#62 | 爱达荷州立大学 Idaho State University
(Pocatello, ID, US) |
2.5 |
#62 | 桑佛德大学(麦克沃特) Samford University (McWhorter)
(Birmingham, AL, US) |
2.5 |
#62 | 南达科他州立大学 South Dakota State University
(Brookings, SD, US) |
2.5 |
#62 | 南伊利诺伊大学爱德华兹维尔分校 Southern Illinois University—Edwardsville
(Edwardsville, IL, US) |
2.5 |
#62 | 圣约翰大学 St. John's University
(Jamaica, NY, US) |
2.5 |
#62 | 托利多大学 University of Toledo
(Toledo, OH, US) |
2.5 |
#69 | 中西部大学芝加哥药学院 Midwestern University—Chicago College of Pharmacy
(Downers Grove, IL, US) |
2.4 |
#69 | 俄亥俄北部大学 Ohio Northern University
(Ada, OH, US) |
2.4 |
#71 | 东北俄亥俄医科大学 Northeast Ohio Medical University
(Rootstown, OH, US) |
2.3 |
#71 | 雪兰多大学(邓恩) Shenandoah University (Dunn)
(Winchester, VA, US) |
2.3 |
#71 | 西部卫生科学大学 Western University of Health Sciences
(Pomona, CA, US) |
2.3 |
#74 | 夏威夷大学希洛分校 University of Hawaii—Hilo
(Hilo, HI, US) |
2.2 |
#74 | 路易斯安那大学门罗分校 University of Louisiana—Monroe
(Monroe, LA, US) |
2.2 |
#74 | 威尔克斯大学(内斯比特) Wilkes University (Nesbitt)
(Wilkes-Barre, PA, US) |
2.2 |
#77 | 长岛大学(施瓦茨) Long Island University (Schwartz)
(Brooklyn, NY, US) |
2.1 |
#77 | 麻省医药与卫生科学大学伍斯特分校 Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (MCPHS University)—Worcester
(Worcester, MA, US) |
2.1 |
#77 | 中西部大学 Midwestern University
(Glendale, AZ, US) |
2.1 |
#80 | 佛罗里达农业与机械大学 Florida A&M University
(Tallahassee, FL, US) |
2.0 |
#80 | 诺瓦东南大学 Nova Southeastern University
(Fort Lauderdale, FL, US) |
2.0 |
#80 | 得克萨斯南部大学 Texas Southern University
(Houston, TX, US) |
2.0 |
#80 | 杜鲁大学加州药学院 Touro University—California College of Pharmacy
(Mare Island, CA, US) |
2.0 |
#80 | 波多黎各大学医学科学校区 University of Puerto Rico—Medical Sciences Campus
(San Juan, PR, US) |
2.0 |
#80 | 圣道大学(法伊克) University of the Incarnate Word (Feik)
(San Antonio, TX, US) |
2.0 |
#80 | 温给特大学 Wingate University
(Wingate, NC, US) |
2.0 |
#80 | 路易斯安那州泽维尔大学 Xavier University of Louisiana
(New Orleans, LA, US) |
2.0 |