English Language Schools in Bournemouth, UK
Bournemouth Brighton/Hove/Worthing
More English Language Schools in UK
1. Anglo European School of English
Telephone: ++44 1202 558658 Address: 77 Landsdowne Road, Bournemouth BH1 1RN, England.
Website: www.angloeuropean.org Email: info@angloeuropean.org
2. Anglo World Education (UK) Ltd
Telephone: ++44 1202 760805 Address: 130-136 Poole Road Bournemouth BH4 9EF, England.
Website: Email:
3. Anglo-Continental
Telephone: ++44 1202 557414 Address: 29-35 Wimborne Road Bournemouth BH2 6NA, England.
Website: www.anglo-continental.com Email:
4. BEET Language Centre
Telephone: ++44 1202 397721 Address: Nortoft Road Bournemouth BH8 8PY, England.
Website: www.beet.co.uk/ Email: admin@beet.co.uk
5. Bournemouth & Poole College
Telephone: ++44 (0) 1202 205656 Address: The Lansdowne Bournemouth BH1 3JJ, England.
Website: www.thecollege.co.uk Email: international@bpc.ac.uk
6. Bournemouth Business School International
Telephone: ++44 1202 780777 Address: Avon House, 26 St Peters Road Bournemouth BH1 2LW, England.
Website: www.bbsi.co.uk Email: info@bbsi.co.uk
7. Bournemouth International Language College
Telephone: ++44 1202 318269 Address: Suite 3, 53 Portchester Rd, Charminster Bournemouth BH8 8JU, England.
Website: http://www.bilc.co.uk/ Email: efl@bilc.co.uk
8. Capital School of English
Telephone: ++44 1202 546875 Address: 324 Wimborne Road Bournemouth BH9 2HH, England.
Website: www.capitalschool.co.uk Email: info@capitalschool.co.uk
9. Cavendish School of English
Telephone: ++44 1202 77 00 70 Address: 63 Cavendish Road Bournemouth BH1 1RA, England.
Website: www.cavendishschool.com Email: bprice@cavendishschool.com
10. Centre School of English
Telephone: ++44 1202 292323 or ++44 7850 296358 (sms/mobile) Address: Albert House, 10 Albert Road Bournemouth BH1 1BZ, England.
Website: www.centralschool.co.uk/ Email: info@centreschool.co.uk
11. Cultural Fluency
Telephone: ++44 1202 478288 Address: 17 Stour Road Christchurch BH23 2JT, England.
Website: www.cultural-fluency.com Email: enquire@cultural-fluency.com
12. Dorset English Language Institute
Telephone: ++44 1202 316611 Address: Wessex House, Gervis Place Bournemouth BH1 2AL, England.
Website: Email: dorset@dial.pipex.com
13. Educational Training Centre
Telephone: ++44 1202 559044 Address: 24 West Hill Road Bournemouth BH2 5PG, England.
Website: www.etc-inter.net/ Email: enquiries@etc-inter.net
14. ETC International College
Telephone: ++441202559044 Address: 24, West Hill Road Bournemouth BH2 5PG, England.
Website: www.etc-inter.net/ Email: info@etc-inter.net
15. Eurocentres Bournemouth
Telephone: ++44 1202 55 44 26 Address: 26 Dean Park Road Bournemouth BH1 1HZ, England.
Website: www.eurocentres.com Email: bth-info@eurocentres.com
16. Europa School of English
Telephone: ++ 44 1202 553 145 Address: 214 Old Christchurch Road Bournemouth BH1 1PE, England.
Website: www.europa-school.co.uk/ Email: info@europa-school.co.uk
17. Interlink School of English
Telephone: ++44 1202 290983 Address: 126 Richmond Park Road Bournemouth BH8 8TH, England.
Website: Email: english@ilse.co.uk
18. International Language Academy
Telephone: ++44 1202 557522 Address: Hinton Chambers, Hinton Road Bournemouth BH1 2EN, England.
Website: Email: ilabourn@rmplc.co.uk
19. International Teaching and Training Centre
Telephone: ++44 1202 531355 Address: 674 Wimborne Road Bournemouth BH9 2EG, England.
Website: www.ittc.co.uk Email: Enquiries@ittc.co.uk
20. King's Junior School
Telephone: ++44 1202 430040 Address: 282 Iford Lane, Tuckton Bournemouth BH6 5NQ, England.
Website: Email: kings@lds.co.uk
21. King's School of English
Telephone: ++44 1202 293535 Address: 58 Braidley Road Bournemouth BH2 6LD, England.
Website: Email: kings@lds.co.uk
22. MLS International College
Telephone: ++44 1202 291556 Address: 8 / 9 Verulam Place Bournemouth BH1 1DW, England.
Website: www.mls-college.co.uk/ Email: mls@mls.softnet.co.uk or admin@mls-college.co.uk
23. Oxford Hall Residential School of English
Telephone: ++44 1202 761016 Address: 6 Sandbourne Road Bournemouth BH4 8JH, England.
Website: Email: oxhall@btinternet.com
24. Richard Language College
Telephone: ++44 1202 555932 Address: 43-45 (T) Wimborne Road Bournemouth BH3 7AB, England.
Website: www.rlc-english-courses.com Email: info@rlc-english-courses.com
25. Scanbrit Examination Centre
Telephone: ++44 1202 430110 Address: Wollaston Road Bournemouth BH6 4ES, England.
Website: www.scanbrit.co.uk Email: wes@scanbrit.co.uk
26. Scanbrit School of English
Telephone: ++44 1202 428252 Address: 22 Church Road Bournemouth BH6 4AT, England.
Website:www.scanbrit.co.uk Email: info@scanbrit.co.uk
27. SNT International College
Telephone: ++44 1202 310500 Address: Gervis Place, 1st- 3rd Floors Bournemouth , England.
Website:www.sntcollege.co.uk Email: info@sntcollege.co.uk
28. Southampton City College
Telephone: ++442380484848 Address: St Mary Street Southampton SO14 1AR, England.
Website: www.southampton-city.ac.uk Email: information@southampton-city.ac.uk
29. Southbourne School of English
Telephone: ++44 1202 422300 Address: 30 Beaufort Road, Southbourne Bournemouth BH6 5AL, England.
Website: www.southbourneschool.co.uk Email: details@southbourneschool.co.uk
30. Westbourne Academy - School of English
Telephone: ++44 (0) 1202 75 27 77 Address: 31 Alumhurst Road, Westbourne, Bournemouth, Dorset BH4 8EN UK
Website: www.westbourneacademy.com Email: info@westbourneacademy.com