English Language Schools in Scotland , UK
More English Language Schools in UK
1. Aberdeen College
Telephone: ++44 1224 612000 Address: Gallowgate Aberdeen AB25 1BN, Scotland.
Website: www.abcol.ac.uk Email: enquiry@abcol.ac.uk
2. AbleEnglish School
Telephone: ++44 141 404 6340 Address: 62 Templeton Street GLASGOW G40 1DA, Scotland.
Website: www.ableenglish.com Email: info@ableenglish.com
3. Anniesland College
Telephone: ++44 141 357 6063 Address: Hatfield Drive Glasgow G12 0YE, Scotland.
Website: www.anniesland.ac.uk Email: reception@anniesland.ac.uk
4. Basil Paterson College
Telephone: ++44 131 225 3802 Address: 66 Queen Street Edinburgh, EH2 4NA, United Kingdom
Website: www.basilpaterson.co.uk Email: info@basilpaterson.co.uk
5. Carrick Language Courses
Telephone: ++44 141 950 1171 Address: 29 Verona Avenue Glasgow G14 9EB, Scotland.
Website: Email: languages@carrick-courses.demon.co.uk
6. EAC Language Centres
Telephone: ++44 0131 4777570 Address: 45 Frederick Street, Edinburgh, EH2 1EP, Scotland.
Website: www.eacworld.com Email: info@eacworld.com
7. Edinburgh Language Centre
Telephone: ++44 131 343 6596 Address: 10b Oxford Terrace Edinburgh EH4 1PX, Scotland.
Website: Email:
8. English Language Institute
Telephone: ++44 131 447 2398 Address: 69 Nile Grove, Morningside Edinburgh EH10 4SN, Scotland.
Website: Email: info@eli.co.uk
9. English-Speaking Union Scotland
Telephone: ++44 131 229 1528 Address: 23 Atholl Crescent Edinburgh EH3 8HQ, Scotland.
Website: www.esuscotland.org.uk Email: director@esuscotland.org.uk
10. European in Edinburgh
Telephone: ++44 (0)131-226 4477 Address: 39 Palmerston Place Edinburgh EH12 5AU, Scotland.
Website: Email: paul_motley@euroscot.net
11. Findhorn Foundation College
Telephone: ++44 (0)1309 690806 Address: St Leonards Rd Forres IV36 2RD, Scotland.
Website: www.findhorncollege.com Email: college@findhorncollege.org
12. Glasgow Kelvin Business School, Dept. of ELT
Telephone: ++448712232110 Address: 53 Maree Drive Glasgow G67 4LW, Scotland.
Website: Email: elt@kbsmba.com
13. Hawthorn- Edinburgh (Edinburgh School of English)
Telephone: ++44 131 557 9200 Address: 271 Canongate, The Royal Mile Edinburgh EH8 8BQ, Scotland.
Website: www.edinburghschoolofenglish.com Email: info@edinburghschoolofenglish.com
14. Heriot Watt University
Telephone: ++44 131 449 5111 Address: School of Languages, Riccarton Edinburgh EH14 4AS, Scotland.
Website: www.hw.ac.uk Email: O.Alexander@hw.ac.uk
15. Langside College
Telephone: ++44 0141 272 3600 Address: 50 Prospecthill Road Glasgow G42 9LB, Scotland.
Website: www.langside.ac.uk Email: enquireuk@langside.ac.uk
16. Perth College
Telephone: ++44 1738 621171 or ++44(0)1738 877000 Address: Creiff Road Perth PH1 2NX, Scotland.
Website: www.perth.ac.uk Email: pc.enquiries@perth.uhi.ac.uk
17. Queen Margaret University College
Telephone: ++44 131 317 3292 Address: International Study Centre Edinburgh EH12 8TS, Scotland.
Website: www.qmuc.ac.uk Email: sbannerman@qmuc.ac.uk
18. Regent Edinburgh
Telephone: ++44 131 225 9888 Address: 65 Queen Street Edinburgh EH2 4NA, Scotland.
Website: www.regent.org.uk Email: edinburgh@regent.org.uk
19. Stevenson College Edinburgh
Telephone: ++44 131 535 4600 Address: Bankhead Avenue Edinburgh EH11 4DE, Scotland.
Website: www.stevenson.ac.uk Email: info@stevenson.ac.uk
20. Stirling Languages
Telephone: ++44 1786832347 Address: 11 Westerton Drive Bridge of Allan FK94AX, Scotland.
Website: www.stirling-languages.com Email: info@stirling-languages.com
21. TLI Edinburgh School of English
Telephone: ++ 44 131 226 6975 Address: 31 Palmerston Place Edinburgh EH12 5AP, Scotland.
Website: www.tlieurope.com Email: admin@tlieurope.com
22. University of Glasgow
Telephone: ++44 (0)141 330 6521 Address: EFL Unit, Hetherington Buildings Glasgow G12 8RS, Scotland.
Website: www.gla.ac.uk Email: efl@gla.ac.uk
23. University of Strathclyde
Telephone: ++44 (0)141 552 4400 or 141 548 3065 Address: English Language Teaching Division, 26 Richmond St. Glasgow G1 1XH, Scotland.
Website: www.strath.ac.uk Email: eltd.les@strath.ac.uk
24. Wallace College
Telephone: ++44 131 220 3634 Address: 12 George IV Bridge Edinburgh EH1 1EE, Scotland.
Website: www.wallacecollege.co.uk Email: info@wallacecollege.co.uk