Top Senior High Schools in Sutton, London, UK by A-level Results 2014

From the Telegraph

More UK Senior High School Rankings by A-level Results

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* Schools within the same rank range are listed alphabetically.

School names Average point score per full time equivalent academic student Average point score per academic entry % of students achieving at least AAB with two facilitating subjects
Focus School - Carshalton Campus 1130 242.1 0%
Nonsuch High School for Girls 1115.4 249.2 52%
Wilson's School 1076.7 259.2 55%
Sutton Grammar School 1045.8 244.8 50%
Wallington High School for Girls 1001.7 247.6 32%
Wallington County Grammar School 949.5 235.1 40%
Sutton High School 926.8 243.7 29%
St Philomena's School 836.4 228.6 11%
Glenthorne High School 786.6 216.1 2%
Cheam High School 751.7 206.1 6%
Greenshaw High School 732.8 222.2 11%
Overton Grange School 724.7 204.9 6%
The John Fisher School 713.3 206.3 11%
Carshalton High School for Girls 638.6 198.6 0%
Carshalton Boys Sports College 607.2 201.7 2%
Stanley Park High School 509.2 169.3 5%
Carshalton College - - -