Top Senior High Schools in Sefton, UK by A-level Results 2014

From the Telegraph

More UK Senior High School Rankings by A-level Results

More UK High School Rankings

* Schools within the same rank range are listed alphabetically.

School names Average point score per full time equivalent academic student Average point score per academic entry % of students achieving at least AAB with two facilitating subjects
St Mary's College 918.1 222.6 31%
Merchant Taylors Girls School 886.5 241.2 22%
Merchant Taylors' Boys' School 871.6 247 35%
Chesterfield High School 829.6 217.6 11%
Range High School 792.7 225 17%
Deyes High School 791.9 227.2 10%
Sacred Heart Catholic College 774.1 196.2 7%
Maricourt Catholic High School 766.1 221.5 10%
Christ The King Catholic High School and Sixth Form Centre 761.4 182.7 3%
Formby High School 757.3 213.9 10%
King George V College 741.8 211.8 12%
Holy Family Catholic High School 740.5 212.8 19%
Maghull High School 693.8 201.8 2%
South Sefton College 664.7 198.7 3%
St Michael's Church of England High School 592.9 189.2 3%
Hugh Baird College 590 198.2 0%
Southport College - - -
Savio Salesian College - - -