Top Senior High Schools in Shropshire, UK by A-level Results 2014

From the Telegraph

More UK Senior High School Rankings by A-level Results

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* Schools within the same rank range are listed alphabetically.

School names Average point score per full time equivalent academic student Average point score per academic entry % of students achieving at least AAB with two facilitating subjects
Concord College 1090 275.4 81%
Adcote School for Girls 961.1 211.1 18%
Shrewsbury School 938.3 250.9 34%
Shrewsbury High School 916.2 254.9 48%
Moreton Hall School 844.7 243.7 27%
Ellesmere College 818.8 194.2 8%
The Thomas Adams School, Wem 765.5 202 12%
Oswestry School 753.5 227.7 18%
Bridgnorth Endowed School 753.4 198.9 7%
Shrewsbury Sixth Form College 750.7 208.2 11%
William Brookes School 745.5 195.4 16%
The Grove School 720.5 197.2 3%
Idsall School 699.1 209.7 5%
Oldbury Wells School 690.2 184.2 2%
Bedstone College 681.4 200.7 33%
Walford and North Shropshire College 620.6 186.3 0%
Sir John Talbot's Technology College 459 169.5 0%
The Community College, Bishop's Castle - - -
The Marches School - - -
Shrewsbury College of Arts and Technology - - -
Sir John Talbot's Technology College - - -