2016 UK University Rankings for American Studies

The Times Rankings

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* Schools within the same rank range are listed alphabetically.

Rank University Name Total score Student satisfaction Research quality Entry Points Graduate prospects
1 University of Sussex

(Bridlington, England)

100 84.20 45.60 - 75.20
2 University of Birmingham

(Birmingham, England)

99.7 85.90 48.80 - 72.50
3 University of Nottingham

(Nottingham, England)

97.2 87.10 39.90 - 66.60
4 University of Kent

(Kent, England)

96.5 82.50 47.30 - 69
5 University of Manchester

(Manchester, England)

94.7 82.80 49.10 - 57.30
6 University of East Anglia

(Norwich, England)

93.8 90.20 33.10 - 59.40
7 University of Leicester

(Leicester, England)

91.9 84.80 34.30 - 56
8 Keele University

(Keele, England)

91.8 88.80 29.80 - 56.10
9 Goldsmiths, University of London

(London, England)

91.3 85.80 34.90 - 52.30
10 University of Hull

(Hull, England)

91.1 90.70 26.1 - 57.30
11 University of Portsmouth

(Portsmouth, England)

90.5 83.80 32.20 - 65.50
12 University of Warwick

(Coventry, England)

90.4 65.80 51.70 - 69.40
13 University of Dundee

(Dundee, Scotland)

90.3 97.30 30.40 - 48.50
14 Swansea University

(Swansea, Welsh)

88.6 83 18.50 - 72.70
15 University of Essex

(Colchester, England)

84.1 85.60 - - 58.80
16 University of Liverpool

(Liverpool, England)

83.3 59.10 33.40 - 63.30
17 York St John University

(York, England)

82.7 78.90 - - 66.70
18 Canterbury Christ Church University

(Canterbury, England)

81.3 82.90 16.30 - 43
19 University of Derby

(Derby, England)

79.3 86.40 13.50 - 39.70
20 University of Winchester

(Winchester, England)

79.2 88.20 - - 42.90