2016 Best High Schools in South Dakota, US
US News Rankings
* Schools within the same rank range are listed alphabetically.
State Rank |
School |
Student-Teacher Ratio |
College Readiness |
Mathematics (Avg. Proficiency) |
Reading (Avg. Proficiency) |
— | Andes Central High School 400 School St Lake Andes, SD 57356 Andes Central School District 11-1 Recognized Nationally |
10:1 Near SD Avg 77 Students 7 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
2.8 Near SD Avg 76% Proficient 24% Not Proficient |
2.5 Below SD Avg 60% Proficient 40% Not Proficient |
— | Arlington High School 306 South Main Arlington, SD 57212 Arlington School District 38-1 Recognized Nationally |
11:1 Near SD Avg 98 Students 9 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
3.4 Above SD Avg 85% Proficient 15% Not Proficient |
3.4 Above SD Avg 90% Proficient 10% Not Proficient |
— | Armour High School 604 3Rd St Armour, SD 57313 Armour School District 21-1 Recognized Nationally |
8:1 Smaller than SD Avg 53 Students 7 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
3.4 Above SD Avg 100% Proficient 0% Not Proficient |
3.1 Above SD Avg 91% Proficient 9% Not Proficient |
— | Avon High School 210 Pine St Avon, SD 57315 Avon School District 04-1 Recognized Nationally |
11:1 Near SD Avg 86 Students 8 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
3.0 Near SD Avg 82% Proficient 18% Not Proficient |
3.1 Above SD Avg 81% Proficient 19% Not Proficient |
— | Bridgewater-Emery High School 130 North 6Th St Emery, SD 57332 Bridgewater-Emery 30-3 Recognized Nationally |
9:1 Near SD Avg 91 Students 11 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
2.9 Near SD Avg 78% Proficient 22% Not Proficient |
3.2 Above SD Avg 83% Proficient 17% Not Proficient |
— | Brookings High School 530 Elm Ave Brookings, SD 57006 Brookings School District 05-1 Recognized Nationally |
16:1 Larger than SD Avg 860 Students 55 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
3.0 Near SD Avg 80% Proficient 20% Not Proficient |
3.1 Above SD Avg 79% Proficient 21% Not Proficient |
— | Burke High School 900 Washington St Burke, SD 57523 Burke School District 26-2 Recognized Nationally |
9:1 Near SD Avg 57 Students 6 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
2.9 Near SD Avg 83% Proficient 17% Not Proficient |
3.0 Near SD Avg 84% Proficient 16% Not Proficient |
— | Canistota High School 431 4Th Ave Canistota, SD 57012 Canistota School District 43-1 Recognized Nationally |
7:1 Smaller than SD Avg 69 Students 10 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
3.1 Near SD Avg 76% Proficient 24% Not Proficient |
3.2 Above SD Avg 82% Proficient 18% Not Proficient |
— | Central High School - 41 433 North 8Th Rapid City, SD 57701 Rapid City Area School District 51-4 Recognized Nationally |
16:1 Larger than SD Avg 1,813 Students 112 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
2.8 Near SD Avg 70% Proficient 30% Not Proficient |
2.9 Near SD Avg 73% Proficient 27% Not Proficient |
— | Corsica High School 120 South Napoleon Ave Corsica, SD 57328 Corsica School District 21-2 Recognized Nationally |
9:1 Near SD Avg 50 Students 5 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
3.1 Above SD Avg 82% Proficient 18% Not Proficient |
3.2 Above SD Avg 100% Proficient 0% Not Proficient |
— | De Smet High School 405 3Rd St Sw De Smet, SD 57231 De Smet School District 38-2 Recognized Nationally |
10:1 Near SD Avg 104 Students 10 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
3.1 Above SD Avg 96% Proficient 4% Not Proficient |
3.2 Above SD Avg 92% Proficient 8% Not Proficient |
— | Deubrook High School 100 School Ave White, SD 57276 Deubrook Area School District 05-6 Recognized Nationally |
10:1 Near SD Avg 121 Students 12 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
3.0 Near SD Avg 80% Proficient 20% Not Proficient |
3.1 Near SD Avg 74% Proficient 26% Not Proficient |
— | Elk Point-Jefferson High School 402 South Douglas St Elk Point, SD 57025 Elk Point-Jefferson School District 61-7 Recognized Nationally |
15:1 Larger than SD Avg 221 Students 15 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
3.1 Above SD Avg 83% Proficient 17% Not Proficient |
3.0 Near SD Avg 75% Proficient 25% Not Proficient |
— | Estelline High School 708 Davis Estelline, SD 57234 Estelline School District 28-2 Recognized Nationally |
8:1 Smaller than SD Avg 66 Students 9 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
3.3 Above SD Avg 95% Proficient 5% Not Proficient |
3.0 Near SD Avg 78% Proficient 22% Not Proficient |
— | Faith High School 206 West 5Th St P.O. Box 619 Faith, SD 57626 Faith School District 46-2 Recognized Nationally |
15:1 Larger than SD Avg 74 Students 5 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
3.0 Near SD Avg 91% Proficient 9% Not Proficient |
3.2 Above SD Avg 81% Proficient 19% Not Proficient |
— | Frederick High School 202 East Main St Frederick, SD 57441 Frederick Area School District 06-2 Recognized Nationally |
12:1 Near SD Avg 65 Students 6 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
3.3 Above SD Avg 100% Proficient 0% Not Proficient |
2.9 Near SD Avg 79% Proficient 21% Not Proficient |
— | Gettysburg High School 100 East King Ave Gettysburg, SD 57442 Gettysburg School District 53-1 Recognized Nationally |
10:1 Near SD Avg 82 Students 8 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
2.9 Near SD Avg 81% Proficient 19% Not Proficient |
3.3 Above SD Avg 86% Proficient 14% Not Proficient |
— | Gregory High School 505 Logan St Gregory, SD 57533 Gregory School District 26-4 Recognized Nationally |
10:1 Near SD Avg 122 Students 12 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
3.0 Near SD Avg 80% Proficient 20% Not Proficient |
3.2 Above SD Avg 83% Proficient 17% Not Proficient |
— | Hamlin High School 44577 188Th St Hayti, SD 57241 Hamlin School District 28-3 Recognized Nationally |
13:1 Near SD Avg 167 Students 13 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
3.2 Above SD Avg 93% Proficient 7% Not Proficient |
3.1 Near SD Avg 82% Proficient 18% Not Proficient |
— | Hanson High School 230 6Th St Alexandria, SD 57311 Hanson School District 30-1 Recognized Nationally |
11:1 Near SD Avg 105 Students 10 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
3.2 Above SD Avg 100% Proficient 0% Not Proficient |
2.9 Near SD Avg 68% Proficient 32% Not Proficient |
— | Harding County High School 12474 Tipperary St Buffalo, SD 57720 Harding County School District 31-1 Recognized Nationally |
9:1 Near SD Avg 64 Students 7 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
2.8 Near SD Avg 81% Proficient 19% Not Proficient |
3.1 Above SD Avg 81% Proficient 19% Not Proficient |
— | Hill City High School 341 Main St Hill City, SD 57745 Hill City School District 51-2 Recognized Nationally |
12:1 Near SD Avg 159 Students 14 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
2.8 Near SD Avg 65% Proficient 35% Not Proficient |
3.2 Above SD Avg 83% Proficient 17% Not Proficient |
— | Hitchcock-Tulare High School 401 4Th Ave Tulare, SD 57476 Hitchcock Tulare School District 56-6 Recognized Nationally |
8:1 Smaller than SD Avg 54 Students 7 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
3.1 Above SD Avg 100% Proficient 0% Not Proficient |
3.2 Above SD Avg 79% Proficient 21% Not Proficient |
— | Howard High School 500 North Section Line Howard, SD 57349 Howard School District 48-3 Recognized Nationally |
10:1 Near SD Avg 106 Students 11 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
3.0 Near SD Avg 82% Proficient 18% Not Proficient |
3.3 Above SD Avg 92% Proficient 8% Not Proficient |
— | Ipswich High School 211 5Th St Ipswich, SD 57451 Ipswich Public School District 22-6 Recognized Nationally |
17:1 Larger than SD Avg 101 Students 6 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
3.1 Above SD Avg 90% Proficient 10% Not Proficient |
3.0 Near SD Avg 80% Proficient 20% Not Proficient |
— | Irene - Wakonda High School 130 East State Irene, SD 57037 Irene - Wakonda School District 13-3 Recognized Nationally |
8:1 Smaller than SD Avg 93 Students 12 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
2.8 Near SD Avg 73% Proficient 27% Not Proficient |
2.9 Near SD Avg 63% Proficient 37% Not Proficient |
— | Jones County High School 404 Jackson Murdo, SD 57559 Jones County School District 37-3 Recognized Nationally |
10:1 Near SD Avg 55 Students 6 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
2.9 Near SD Avg 77% Proficient 23% Not Proficient |
3.2 Above SD Avg 85% Proficient 15% Not Proficient |
— | Lead-Deadwood High School 320 South Main St Lead, SD 57754 Lead-Deadwood School District 40-1 Recognized Nationally |
12:1 Near SD Avg 214 Students 19 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
2.7 Near SD Avg 63% Proficient 37% Not Proficient |
2.9 Near SD Avg 69% Proficient 31% Not Proficient |
— | Lemmon High School 209 3Rd St West Lemmon, SD 57638 Lemmon School District 52-4 Recognized Nationally |
9:1 Near SD Avg 89 Students 10 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
3.1 Near SD Avg 81% Proficient 19% Not Proficient |
3.2 Above SD Avg 85% Proficient 15% Not Proficient |
— | Lyman High School 201 South Birch Ave Presho, SD 57568 Lyman School District 42-1 Recognized Nationally |
11:1 Near SD Avg 118 Students 10 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
2.9 Near SD Avg 81% Proficient 19% Not Proficient |
2.9 Near SD Avg 81% Proficient 19% Not Proficient |
— | Madison High School 800 Ne 9Th St Madison, SD 57042 Madison Central School District 39-2 Recognized Nationally |
15:1 Larger than SD Avg 354 Students 24 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
3.0 Near SD Avg 80% Proficient 20% Not Proficient |
3.1 Above SD Avg 79% Proficient 21% Not Proficient |
— | Marion High School 100 South Cedar Marion, SD 57043 Marion School District 60-3 Recognized Nationally |
8:1 Smaller than SD Avg 59 Students 8 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
3.0 Near SD Avg 77% Proficient 23% Not Proficient |
3.1 Above SD Avg 89% Proficient 11% Not Proficient |
— | Mcintosh High School 135 Main St Mcintosh, SD 57641 Mcintosh School District 15-1 Recognized Nationally |
7:1 Smaller than SD Avg 53 Students 8 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
2.6 Below SD Avg 55% Proficient 45% Not Proficient |
2.5 Below SD Avg 54% Proficient 46% Not Proficient |
— | Northwestern High School 221 3Rd St Mellette, SD 57461 Northwestern Area School District 56-7 Recognized Nationally |
15:1 Larger than SD Avg 96 Students 6 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
3.1 Near SD Avg 85% Proficient 15% Not Proficient |
3.2 Above SD Avg 90% Proficient 10% Not Proficient |
— | Philip High School 330 Scottie Ave Philip, SD 57567 Haakon School District 27-1 Recognized Nationally |
11:1 Near SD Avg 97 Students 9 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
3.0 Near SD Avg 82% Proficient 18% Not Proficient |
3.0 Near SD Avg 82% Proficient 18% Not Proficient |
— | Roosevelt High School 6600 West 41St St Sioux Falls, SD 57106 Sioux Falls School District 49-5 Recognized Nationally |
18:1 Larger than SD Avg 2,134 Students 116 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
3.0 Near SD Avg 75% Proficient 25% Not Proficient |
3.0 Near SD Avg 75% Proficient 25% Not Proficient |
— | Rosholt High School 202 Finley Ave Rosholt, SD 57260 Rosholt School District 54-4 Recognized Nationally |
13:1 Near SD Avg 72 Students 6 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
3.1 Above SD Avg 87% Proficient 13% Not Proficient |
3.3 Above SD Avg 87% Proficient 13% Not Proficient |
— | Sanborn Central High School 40405 Sd Hwy 34 Forestburg, SD 57314 Sanborn Central School District 55-5 Recognized Nationally |
9:1 Near SD Avg 52 Students 6 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
3.0 Near SD Avg 85% Proficient 15% Not Proficient |
2.9 Near SD Avg 71% Proficient 29% Not Proficient |
— | Scotland High School 711 4Th St Scotland, SD 57059 Scotland School District 04-3 Recognized Nationally |
10:1 Near SD Avg 82 Students 9 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
3.0 Near SD Avg 85% Proficient 15% Not Proficient |
3.1 Above SD Avg 92% Proficient 8% Not Proficient |
— | Sisseton High School 516 8Th Ave West Sisseton, SD 57262 Sisseton School District 54-2 Recognized Nationally |
11:1 Near SD Avg 256 Students 24 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
3.0 Near SD Avg 78% Proficient 22% Not Proficient |
2.9 Near SD Avg 74% Proficient 26% Not Proficient |
— | Spearfish High School 1725 North Main Spearfish, SD 57783 Spearfish School District 40-2 Recognized Nationally |
15:1 Larger than SD Avg 580 Students 39 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
3.1 Above SD Avg 84% Proficient 16% Not Proficient |
3.2 Above SD Avg 85% Proficient 15% Not Proficient |
— | Stickney High School 506 East Main Stickney, SD 57375 Stickney School District 01-2 Recognized Nationally |
6:1 Smaller than SD Avg 37 Students 6 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
3.1 Above SD Avg 83% Proficient 17% Not Proficient |
2.8 Near SD Avg 65% Proficient 35% Not Proficient |
— | T F Riggs High School 1010 East Broadway Ave Pierre, SD 57501 Pierre School District 32-2 Recognized Nationally |
18:1 Larger than SD Avg 821 Students 45 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
3.0 Near SD Avg 79% Proficient 21% Not Proficient |
3.0 Near SD Avg 79% Proficient 21% Not Proficient |
— | Timber Lake High School 500 Main St Timber Lake, SD 57656 Timber Lake School District 20-3 Recognized Nationally |
11:1 Near SD Avg 93 Students 8 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
3.2 Above SD Avg 95% Proficient 5% Not Proficient |
3.5 Above SD Avg 100% Proficient 0% Not Proficient |
— | Vermillion High School 1001 East Main St Vermillion, SD 57069 Vermillion School District 13-1 Recognized Nationally |
13:1 Near SD Avg 347 Students 27 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
2.9 Near SD Avg 74% Proficient 26% Not Proficient |
3.0 Near SD Avg 70% Proficient 30% Not Proficient |
— | Wagner High School 101 Walnut Ave Sw Wagner, SD 57380 Wagner Community School District 11-4 Recognized Nationally |
11:1 Near SD Avg 208 Students 19 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
2.7 Near SD Avg 71% Proficient 29% Not Proficient |
2.9 Near SD Avg 78% Proficient 22% Not Proficient |
— | Wall High School 401 South Blvd West Wall, SD 57790 Wall School District 51-5 Recognized Nationally |
9:1 Near SD Avg 85 Students 9 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
3.2 Above SD Avg 92% Proficient 8% Not Proficient |
3.2 Above SD Avg 89% Proficient 11% Not Proficient |
— | Warner High School 110 1St Ave Sw Warner, SD 57479 Warner School District 06-5 Recognized Nationally |
13:1 Near SD Avg 93 Students 7 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
3.1 Above SD Avg 78% Proficient 22% Not Proficient |
3.1 Above SD Avg 87% Proficient 13% Not Proficient |
— | Waubay High School 202 West School Rd Waubay, SD 57273 Waubay School District 18-3 Recognized Nationally |
8:1 Smaller than SD Avg 60 Students 8 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
3.0 Near SD Avg 77% Proficient 23% Not Proficient |
3.0 Near SD Avg 83% Proficient 17% Not Proficient |
— | Wessington Springs High School 302 Dakota Ave North Wessington Springs, SD 57382 Wessington Springs School District 36-2 Recognized Nationally |
8:1 Smaller than SD Avg 58 Students 8 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
2.9 Near SD Avg 83% Proficient 17% Not Proficient |
2.8 Near SD Avg 61% Proficient 39% Not Proficient |
— | Wilmot High School 800 Ordway St Wilmot, SD 57279 Wilmot School District 54-7 Recognized Nationally |
10:1 Near SD Avg 72 Students 7 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
2.9 Near SD Avg 86% Proficient 14% Not Proficient |
2.9 Near SD Avg 71% Proficient 29% Not Proficient |
— | Yankton High School 1801 Summit Yankton, SD 57078 Yankton School District 63-3 Recognized Nationally |
18:1 Larger than SD Avg 885 Students 49 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
3.0 Near SD Avg 82% Proficient 18% Not Proficient |
3.0 Near SD Avg 76% Proficient 24% Not Proficient |
— | Alcester-Hudson High School 102 East 5Th Alcester, SD 57001 Alcester-Hudson School District 61-1 |
9:1 Near SD Avg 82 Students 9 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
3.1 Near SD Avg 83% Proficient 17% Not Proficient |
2.8 Near SD Avg 67% Proficient 33% Not Proficient |
— | Baltic High School 1 Bulldog Ave Baltic, SD 57003 Baltic School District 49-1 |
14:1 Larger than SD Avg 130 Students 9 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
2.6 Below SD Avg 62% Proficient 38% Not Proficient |
2.6 Below SD Avg 62% Proficient 38% Not Proficient |
— | Belle Fourche Education Connection 2315 Dakota Ave Lower Level Belle Fourche, SD 57717 Belle Fourche School District 09-1 |
N/A N/A 44 Students N/A Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
1.9 Below SD Avg 10% Proficient 90% Not Proficient |
1.5 Below SD Avg 10% Proficient 90% Not Proficient |
— | Belle Fourche High School 1301 12Th Ave Belle Fourche, SD 57717 Belle Fourche School District 09-1 |
15:1 Larger than SD Avg 368 Students 24 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
2.8 Near SD Avg 71% Proficient 29% Not Proficient |
2.8 Near SD Avg 63% Proficient 37% Not Proficient |
— | Bennett County High School 202 East School St Martin, SD 57551 Bennett County School District 03-1 |
11:1 Near SD Avg 176 Students 16 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
2.4 Below SD Avg 35% Proficient 65% Not Proficient |
2.3 Below SD Avg 40% Proficient 60% Not Proficient |
— | Beresford High School 301 West Maple Beresford, SD 57004 Beresford School District 61-2 |
13:1 Near SD Avg 195 Students 15 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
2.9 Near SD Avg 71% Proficient 29% Not Proficient |
2.8 Near SD Avg 67% Proficient 33% Not Proficient |
— | Bh Colony Alternative High School - 19 31232 Colony Rd Tabor, SD 57063 Bon Homme School District 04-2 |
9:1 Near SD Avg 9 Students 1 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
N/A N/A N/A Proficient N/A Not Proficient |
N/A N/A N/A Proficient N/A Not Proficient |
— | Bison High School 200 East Carr St Bison, SD 57620 Bison School District 52-1 |
8:1 Smaller than SD Avg 51 Students 6 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
2.7 Below SD Avg 59% Proficient 41% Not Proficient |
2.6 Below SD Avg 47% Proficient 53% Not Proficient |
— | Bon Homme High School 1404 Fir St Tyndall, SD 57066 Bon Homme School District 04-2 |
12:1 Near SD Avg 162 Students 13 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
2.8 Near SD Avg 72% Proficient 28% Not Proficient |
2.8 Near SD Avg 68% Proficient 32% Not Proficient |
— | Bowdle High School 3083 2Nd Ave Bowdle, SD 57428 Bowdle School District 22-1 |
7:1 Smaller than SD Avg 41 Students 6 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
N/A N/A N/A Proficient N/A Not Proficient |
N/A N/A N/A Proficient N/A Not Proficient |
— | Brandon Valley High School 301 South Splitrock Blvd Brandon, SD 57005 Brandon Valley School District 49-2 |
20:1 Larger than SD Avg 975 Students 49 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
3.1 Above SD Avg 84% Proficient 16% Not Proficient |
3.0 Near SD Avg 73% Proficient 27% Not Proficient |
— | Britton-Hecla High School 759 5Th St Britton, SD 57430 Britton-Hecla School District 45-4 |
12:1 Near SD Avg 170 Students 14 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
2.9 Near SD Avg 69% Proficient 31% Not Proficient |
2.8 Near SD Avg 62% Proficient 38% Not Proficient |
— | Canton High School 800 North Main Canton, SD 57013 Canton School District 41-1 |
13:1 Near SD Avg 271 Students 21 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
2.9 Near SD Avg 78% Proficient 22% Not Proficient |
2.8 Near SD Avg 74% Proficient 26% Not Proficient |
— | Career and Technical Education Campus 22023 Job Corps Ctr Nemo, SD 57759 Lead-Deadwood School District 40-1 |
6:1 Smaller than SD Avg 84 Students 15 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
2.4 Below SD Avg 36% Proficient 64% Not Proficient |
2.6 Below SD Avg 43% Proficient 57% Not Proficient |
— | Castlewood High School 310 East Harry St Castlewood, SD 57223 Castlewood School District 28-1 |
13:1 Near SD Avg 67 Students 5 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
2.7 Near SD Avg 62% Proficient 38% Not Proficient |
2.6 Below SD Avg 69% Proficient 31% Not Proficient |
— | Centerville High School 610 Lincoln St Centerville, SD 57014 Centerville School District 60-1 |
9:1 Near SD Avg 65 Students 7 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
3.1 Near SD Avg 100% Proficient 0% Not Proficient |
2.7 Near SD Avg 79% Proficient 21% Not Proficient |
— | Central High School 2200 South Roosevelt St Aberdeen, SD 57401 Aberdeen School District 06-1 |
18:1 Larger than SD Avg 1,201 Students 68 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
2.9 Near SD Avg 73% Proficient 27% Not Proficient |
3.0 Near SD Avg 75% Proficient 25% Not Proficient |
— | Chamberlain High School 1000 Sorenson Dr Chamberlain, SD 57325 Chamberlain School District 07-1 |
12:1 Near SD Avg 266 Students 22 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
2.7 Below SD Avg 61% Proficient 39% Not Proficient |
2.6 Below SD Avg 60% Proficient 40% Not Proficient |
— | Chester Area Cyber School - 39 102 2Nd Ave Chester, SD 57016 Chester Area School District 39-1 |
23:1 Larger than SD Avg 181 Students 8 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
2.9 Near SD Avg 77% Proficient 23% Not Proficient |
2.8 Near SD Avg 70% Proficient 30% Not Proficient |
— | Chester High School 102 2Nd Ave Chester, SD 57016 Chester Area School District 39-1 |
9:1 Near SD Avg 95 Students 11 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
2.7 Near SD Avg 74% Proficient 26% Not Proficient |
2.7 Near SD Avg 74% Proficient 26% Not Proficient |
— | Clark High School 220 North Clinton Clark, SD 57225 Clark School District 12-2 |
9:1 Near SD Avg 101 Students 11 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
2.9 Near SD Avg 76% Proficient 24% Not Proficient |
2.8 Near SD Avg 62% Proficient 38% Not Proficient |
— | Colman-Egan High School 200 South Loban Colman, SD 57017 Colman-Egan School District 50-5 |
10:1 Near SD Avg 70 Students 7 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
2.4 Below SD Avg 50% Proficient 50% Not Proficient |
2.4 Below SD Avg 50% Proficient 50% Not Proficient |
— | Colome High School 105 Carr St Colome, SD 57528 Colome Consolidated 59-3 |
10:1 Near SD Avg 81 Students 8 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
2.6 Below SD Avg 56% Proficient 44% Not Proficient |
2.7 Near SD Avg 69% Proficient 31% Not Proficient |
— | Custer High School 1645 Wildcat Ln Custer, SD 57730 Custer School District 16-1 |
15:1 Larger than SD Avg 252 Students 16 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
2.4 Below SD Avg 39% Proficient 61% Not Proficient |
2.6 Below SD Avg 55% Proficient 45% Not Proficient |
— | Dakota Valley High School 1150 Northshore Dr North Sioux City, SD 57049 Dakota Valley School District 61-8 |
15:1 Larger than SD Avg 329 Students 22 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
2.9 Near SD Avg 67% Proficient 33% Not Proficient |
3.0 Near SD Avg 75% Proficient 25% Not Proficient |
— | Dell Rapids High School 1216 North Garfield Dell Rapids, SD 57022 Dell Rapids School District 49-3 |
15:1 Larger than SD Avg 290 Students 20 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
2.9 Near SD Avg 72% Proficient 28% Not Proficient |
2.7 Near SD Avg 60% Proficient 40% Not Proficient |
— | Deuel High School 410 5Th St West Clear Lake, SD 57226 Deuel School District 19-4 |
12:1 Near SD Avg 139 Students 12 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
2.9 Near SD Avg 75% Proficient 25% Not Proficient |
2.8 Near SD Avg 64% Proficient 36% Not Proficient |
— | Doland High School 405 North Humphrey Dr Doland, SD 57436 Doland School District 56-2 |
7:1 Smaller than SD Avg 35 Students 5 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
N/A N/A N/A Proficient N/A Not Proficient |
N/A N/A N/A Proficient N/A Not Proficient |
— | Douglas High School 420 Patriot Dr Box Elder, SD 57719 Douglas School District 51-1 |
15:1 Larger than SD Avg 689 Students 47 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
2.8 Near SD Avg 66% Proficient 34% Not Proficient |
2.5 Below SD Avg 54% Proficient 46% Not Proficient |
— | Dupree High School B St Dupree, SD 57623 Dupree School District 64-2 |
9:1 Near SD Avg 65 Students 7 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
2.3 Below SD Avg 24% Proficient 76% Not Proficient |
2.6 Below SD Avg 53% Proficient 47% Not Proficient |
— | E A G L E Center E St Eagle Butte, SD 57625 Eagle Butte School District 20-1 |
N/A N/A N/A Students 3 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
N/A N/A N/A Proficient N/A Not Proficient |
N/A N/A N/A Proficient N/A Not Proficient |
— | Eagle Butte High School West Frontier Ave Eagle Butte, SD 57625 Eagle Butte School District 20-1 |
1:1 Smaller than SD Avg 12 Students 8 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
N/A N/A N/A Proficient N/A Not Proficient |
N/A N/A N/A Proficient N/A Not Proficient |
— | Edgemont High School 715 D St Edgemont, SD 57735 Edgemont School District 23-1 |
7:1 Smaller than SD Avg 41 Students 6 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
N/A N/A N/A Proficient N/A Not Proficient |
N/A N/A N/A Proficient N/A Not Proficient |
— | Edmunds Central High School 105 1St Ave Roscoe, SD 57471 Edmunds Central School District 22-5 |
8:1 Smaller than SD Avg 36 Students 5 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
N/A N/A N/A Proficient N/A Not Proficient |
N/A N/A N/A Proficient N/A Not Proficient |
— | Elkton High School 508 Buffalo St Elkton, SD 57026 Elkton School District 05-3 |
9:1 Near SD Avg 93 Students 11 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
2.9 Near SD Avg 83% Proficient 17% Not Proficient |
2.9 Near SD Avg 79% Proficient 21% Not Proficient |
— | Ethan High School 320 South 2Nd St Ethan, SD 57334 Ethan School District 17-1 |
11:1 Near SD Avg 68 Students 6 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
3.2 Above SD Avg 87% Proficient 13% Not Proficient |
2.9 Near SD Avg 87% Proficient 13% Not Proficient |
— | Eureka High School 706 9Th St Eureka, SD 57437 Eureka School District 44-1 |
7:1 Smaller than SD Avg 49 Students 7 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
2.8 Near SD Avg 69% Proficient 31% Not Proficient |
3.0 Near SD Avg 75% Proficient 25% Not Proficient |
— | Faulkton High School 1114 Court St Faulkton, SD 57438 Faulkton Area Schools 24-4 |
9:1 Near SD Avg 70 Students 8 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
2.6 Below SD Avg 55% Proficient 45% Not Proficient |
2.7 Near SD Avg 61% Proficient 39% Not Proficient |
— | Flandreau High School 600 West Community Dr Flandreau, SD 57028 Flandreau School District 50-3 |
9:1 Near SD Avg 157 Students 17 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
2.7 Near SD Avg 68% Proficient 32% Not Proficient |
2.9 Near SD Avg 73% Proficient 27% Not Proficient |
— | Flex - 45 201 East 38Th St Sioux Falls, SD 57105 Sioux Falls School District 49-5 |
5:1 Smaller than SD Avg 23 Students 4 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
N/A N/A N/A Proficient N/A Not Proficient |
N/A N/A N/A Proficient N/A Not Proficient |
— | Florence High School 515 Main Ave Florence, SD 57235 Florence School District 14-1 |
9:1 Near SD Avg 62 Students 7 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
2.7 Near SD Avg 64% Proficient 36% Not Proficient |
2.6 Below SD Avg 57% Proficient 43% Not Proficient |
— | Freeman High School 1001 South Wipf St Freeman, SD 57029 Freeman School District 33-1 |
11:1 Near SD Avg 107 Students 10 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
2.7 Near SD Avg 58% Proficient 42% Not Proficient |
3.0 Near SD Avg 72% Proficient 28% Not Proficient |
— | Garretson High School 505 2Nd St Garretson, SD 57030 Garretson School District 49-4 |
12:1 Near SD Avg 140 Students 12 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
3.0 Near SD Avg 82% Proficient 18% Not Proficient |
2.9 Near SD Avg 79% Proficient 21% Not Proficient |
— | Gayville-Volin High School 100 Kingsbury Gayville, SD 57031 Gayville-Volin School District 63-1 |
15:1 Larger than SD Avg 94 Students 6 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
2.4 Below SD Avg 42% Proficient 58% Not Proficient |
2.9 Near SD Avg 71% Proficient 29% Not Proficient |
— | George S Mickelson Alternative School 17267 3Rd St Redfield, SD 57469 Redfield School District 56-4 |
7:1 Smaller than SD Avg 27 Students 4 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
N/A N/A N/A Proficient N/A Not Proficient |
N/A N/A N/A Proficient N/A Not Proficient |
— | Grant-Deuel High School 16370 482Nd Ave Revillo, SD 57259 Grant-Deuel School District 25-3 |
8:1 Smaller than SD Avg 41 Students 5 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
2.5 Below SD Avg 50% Proficient 50% Not Proficient |
2.6 Below SD Avg 60% Proficient 40% Not Proficient |
— | Grass Ranch Colony High School 36570 258Th St Kimball, SD 57355 Kimball School District 07-2 |
N/A N/A 13 Students N/A Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
N/A N/A N/A Proficient N/A Not Proficient |
N/A N/A N/A Proficient N/A Not Proficient |
— | Groton Area High School 406 North 2Nd St Groton, SD 57445 Groton Area School District 06-6 |
12:1 Near SD Avg 197 Students 17 Teachers |
N/A N/A N/A Tested (N/A) N/A Passed (N/A) |
3.1 Above SD Avg 93% Proficient 7% Not Proficient |
2.9 Near SD Avg 77% Proficient 23% Not Proficient |