Best Graduate Digital Librarianship Programs in US 2015

Ranked by US News

More US Graduate School Rankings

* Schools within the same rank range are listed alphabetically.

Rank School name
#1 University of North Carolina—​Chapel Hill

(Chapel Hill, NC, US)

#2 University of Illinois—​Urbana-​Champaign

(Champaign, IL, US)

#3 Syracuse University

(Syracuse, NY, US)

#4 University of Michigan—​Ann Arbor

(Ann Arbor, MI, US)

#5 University of Washington

(Seattle, WA, US)

#6 Drexel University

(Philadelphia, PA, US)

#7 Indiana University—​Bloomington

(Bloomington, IN, US)

#8 Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey—​New Brunswick

(New Brunswick, NJ, US)

#9 University of Texas—​Austin

(Austin, TX, US)

#10 University of Pittsburgh

(Pittsburgh, PA, US)

#11 Florida State University

(Tallahassee, FL, US)

#12 University of California—​Los Angeles

(Los Angeles, CA, US)

#12 University of Maryland—​College Park

(College Park, MD, US)

#14 Simmons College

(Boston, MA, US)