Best Graduate Public Management Administration Programs in US 2017

Ranked in 2016 by US News

More US Graduate School Rankings

* Schools within the same rank range are listed alphabetically.

Rank School name

Syracuse University (Maxwell)

(Syracuse, NY)


University of Georgia

(Athens, GA)


Indiana University—​Bloomington

(Bloomington, IN)


University of Southern California (Price)

(Los Angeles, CA)


American University

(Washington, DC)


University of Kansas

(Lawrence, KS)


Harvard University (Kennedy)

(Cambridge, MA)


University of Wisconsin—​Madison (La Follette)

(Madison, WI)


New York University (Wagner)

(New York, NY)


University of Washington (Evans)

(Seattle, WA)


Arizona State University

(Phoenix, AZ)


George Washington University (Trachtenberg)

(Washington, DC)


Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey—​Newark

(Newark, NJ)


Ohio State University (Glenn)

(Columbus, OH)


University at Albany—​SUNY (Rockefeller)

(Albany, NY)


University of North Carolina—​Chapel Hill

(Chapel Hill, NC)


Florida State University (Askew)

(Tallahassee, FL)


University of Minnesota—​Twin Cities (Humphrey)

(Minneapolis, MN)


Georgia State University (Young)

(Atlanta, GA)


University of Nebraska—​Omaha

(Omaha, NE)


University of Texas—​Austin (LBJ)

(Austin, TX)


Texas A&M University—​College Station (Bush)

(College Station, TX)


Virginia Tech

(Blacksburg, VA)


University of Arizona

(Tucson, AZ)


University of Colorado—​Denver

(Denver, CO)


University of Maryland—​College Park

(College Park, MD)


University of Delaware

(Newark, DE)


University of Missouri (Truman)

(Columbia, MO)


University of North Texas

(Denton, TX)


Northern Illinois University

(DeKalb, IL)