Best Graduate Public Policy Analysis Programs in US 2017
Ranked in 2016 by US News
More US Graduate School Rankings
* Schools within the same rank range are listed alphabetically.
Rank | School name |
#1 | University of California—Berkeley (Goldman) (Berkeley, CA) |
#2 | Harvard University (Kennedy) (Cambridge, MA) |
#3 | University of Michigan—Ann Arbor (Ford) (Ann Arbor, MI) |
#4 | Duke University (Sanford) (Durham, NC) |
#5 | University of Chicago (Harris) (Chicago, IL) |
#6 | Syracuse University (Maxwell) (Syracuse, NY) |
#7 | Indiana University—Bloomington (Bloomington, IN) |
#8 | Carnegie Mellon University (Heinz) (Pittsburgh, PA) |
#9 | Princeton University (Wilson) (Princeton, NJ) |
#10 | University of Wisconsin—Madison (La Follette) (Madison, WI) |
#11 | University of Southern California (Price) (Los Angeles, CA) |
#12 | University of Texas—Austin (LBJ) (Austin, TX) |
#12 | University of Washington (Evans) (Seattle, WA) |
#14 | George Washington University (Trachtenberg) (Washington, DC) |
#15 | Georgetown University (McCourt) (Washington, DC) |
#16 | Ohio State University (Glenn) (Columbus, OH) |
#17 | University of Minnesota—Twin Cities (Humphrey) (Minneapolis, MN) |
#18 | University of Georgia (Athens, GA) |
#19 | New York University (Wagner) (New York, NY) |
#19 | University of California—Los Angeles (Luskin) (Los Angeles, CA) |
#21 | Florida State University (Askew) (Tallahassee, FL) |
#22 | Arizona State University (Phoenix, AZ) |
#22 | Georgia Institute of Technology (Atlanta, GA) |
#22 | Georgia State University (Young) (Atlanta, GA) |
#22 | Texas A&M University—College Station (Bush) (College Station, TX) |
#26 | American University (Washington, DC) |
#26 | University of Maryland—College Park (College Park, MD) |
#28 | Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey—Newark (Newark, NJ) |
#28 | University of Kentucky (Martin) (Lexington, KY) |
#30 | Columbia University (SIPA) (New York, NY) |
#30 | Johns Hopkins University (Washington, DC) |
#30 | University at Albany—SUNY (Rockefeller) (Albany, NY) |
#33 | George Mason University (Arlington, VA) |
#33 | Stanford University (Stanford, CA) |
#33 | University of North Carolina—Chapel Hill (Chapel Hill, NC) |

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