A-Z List of English Language Schools in the UK
More English Language Schools in UK
The following language schools have been accredited by Accreditation UK, run by the British Council and English UK.
A2Z School of English ----Location: Manchester
ABC School of English----Location:London
A Plus EnglishLimited ----Location: Sheffield
Abbey College----Location: Malvern Wells, Worstershire
Aberystwyth University----Location: Aberystwyth, Wales
Absolutely English and Absolutely English Juniors /
CERAN UK----Location: Sherbourne, Warwick
Academy of English Language Studies----Location: Folkestone, Kent
Academy SJW (St. John's Wood School of English)----Location: London
Accent Courses Ltd----Location: Liphook, Hampshire
Accent International Language Consultancy----Location: East Budleigh, Devon
Active Learning School of English----Location: London
ADC College----Location: Harrow, Middlesex
Alexanders International School----Location: Bawdsey, Suffolk
Alpha Omega College----Location: Cardiff
Anglia Ruskin University----Location: Cambridge
Anglo European School of English----Location: Bournemouth
Anglo-Continental School for Young Learners----Location: Bournemouth
Anglo-Continental School of English (incl vacation)----Location: Bournemouth
Anglolang Academy of English----Location: Scarborough, North Yorkshire
Anniesland College----Location: Glasgow
Ardmore Language Schools----Location: Burchetts Green, Berkshire
Avalon School of English----Location: London
Aylesbury College ----Location: Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire