A-Z List of English Language Schools in the UK
More English Language Schools in UK
The following language schools have been accredited by Accreditation UK, run by the British Council and English UK.
UIC Vacation Courses----Location: London
UKhelp4u Academy of English----Location: Swindon
United International College----Location: London
University of Bedfordshire----Location: Luton, Bedfordshire
University of Chichester----Location: Chichester, West Sussex
University College London----Location: London
University College Plymouth St Mark & St John ----Location: Plymouth
University of the Arts, The Language Centre----Location: London
University of Birmingham----Location: Birmingham
University of Brighton----Location: Brighton
University of Central Lancashire----Location: Preston
University of Edinburgh----Location: Edinburgh
University of Gloucestershire----Location: Cheltenham
University of Leeds Language Centre----Location: Leeds
University of Leicester----Location: Leicester
University of Manchester----Location: The, Manchester *
The University of Northampton----Location: The, Northampton *
University of Portsmouth----Location: Portsmouth
University of Salford School of Languages----Location: Salford
University of Sheffield ELT----Location: Sheffield
University of Sussex, see "Sussex Language Institute", Brighton
University of Ulster----Location: Coleraine, Northern Ireland
University of Wales----Location: Swansea
University of Warwick----Location: Coventry.
University of Westminster----Location: London
University of Wolverhampton----Location: Wolverhampton
United World School of English----Location: Bournemouth
United World School of English 2 Ltd----Location: Bournemouth
Uxbridge College----Location: Uxbridge, Middlesex